Sonali Patel

Ceramic, paint 72cm x 58cm x15cm Heart disease is the single biggest killer of Australian women, according to the Heart Foundation. Every day 24 women die of cardiovascular disease (CVD). This work raises awareness that women are almost 3 times more likely to die of heart disease than breast cancer. Regular heart checks and lifestyle changes could help protect the women we love. There were 3 torsos created where two hearts are intact and the third torso has a shattered heart.

Finalist Advertiser Contemporary SALA Award Ceramic, painted twigs, mirror 60cm x 60 cm x 15cm 2017 Heart is a single word with a thousand meanings, alluding to the physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual. These artworks are metaphorical explorations of love, transience and transformation. They reflect the interplay of nature’s patterns mirrored within us. They evoke a poetic response to the nuances of the metaphysical heartland.

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Ceramic, paint 72cm x 58cm x15cm Heart disease is the single biggest killer of Australian women, according to the Heart Foundation. Every day 24 women die of cardiovascular disease (CVD). This work raises awareness that women are almost 3 times more likely to die of heart disease than breast cancer. Regular heart checks and lifestyle changes could help protect the women we love. There were 3 torsos created where two hearts are intact and the third torso has a shattered heart.