Sonali Patel
Finalist - Climate Urban Cow Prize 2019 Ceramic 75cm x 48cm x 30cm 2019 A metaphorical arrangement of scenery where the stage set portrays a human encounter with a dying forest. A man sits alone, in contemplation. He has denuded the forest around him and now there is silence - devoid of birdsong or the sound of the wind rustling through leaves. His future seems dark - he has no shade, food or company.
Ceramic, wood 53cm x 9cm x 9cm 2019 This work pays homage to Giacometti’s lean figures in La Foret. We resemble trees in many ways - we both are dependent on sunlight and water for survival and susceptible to disease and injury. The word ‘trunk’ has dual meaning - the main stem of a tree apart from limbs and roots - and the human or animal body apart from the limbs and head. Trees are symbolic of who we are – in destroying them, we are only harming ourselves. We, therefore, are The Forest.
Ceramic 32cm x 46cm x 28cm 2019
Finalist - Climate Urban Cow Prize 2019 Ceramic 75cm x 48cm x 30cm 2019 A metaphorical arrangement of scenery where the stage set portrays a human encounter with a dying forest. A man sits alone, in contemplation. He has denuded the forest around him and now there is silence - devoid of birdsong or the sound of the wind rustling through leaves. His future seems dark - he has no shade, food or company.